
Found 602 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
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R. Fuchs, Nolite manuscripta cruciare sed conservate potis, Maltechnik Restauro, vol. 12, 1987.
H. Ekkehard, Musivgold. Rekonstruktion eines historischen pigments, Restauro, vol. 6, pp. 420-425, 2005.
D. Varney Thompson, jr., More Medieval Color-Making: Tractatus de coloribus from Munich, Staatsbibliothek, Ms.Latin 444., Isis, vol. 68, pp. 382-396, 1936.
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W. L. Braekman, Middelnederlandse Verfrecepten voor miniaturen en « alderhande substancien », Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, vol. n°18, 1986.
D. W. Singer, Michael Scot and Alchemy, vol. XIII, pp. 5-15, 1929.
D. W. Singer, Michael Scot and Alchemy, Isis, vol. XIII, pp. 5-15, 1929.
L. Campbell, Methods and materials of Nothern European painting in the National Gallery, 1400-1550, National Gallery. Technical Bulletin. Early Nothern European Painting, vol. XVIII, pp. 6-55, 1997.
S. - M. Alexander, Medieval recipes describing the use of metals in manuscripts, Marsyas, vol. 12, pp. 34-51.
D. V. Thompson, Medieval Color-Making: Tractatus qualiter quilibet artificialis color fieri possit from Paris, B.N., Ms. latin 6749 b, Isis, vol. 22, pp. 456-468.
D. Varney Thompson, jr., Medieval Color-Making: Tractatus qualiter quilibet artificialis color fieri possit from Paris, B.N., Ms. latin 6749 b, Isis, vol. 22, pp. 456-468.
M. F. Edgerton, Jr., A Mediaeval "Tractatus de coloribus". Together with a Contribution to the Study of the Color-vocabulary of Latin, Mediaeval Studies, vol. 25, pp. 173-208, 1963.
M. Levey, Mediaeval Arabic Bookmaking an dits relation to early chemistry and pharmacology, Transaction of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 52, 4, 1962.
E. Berger, The Mayerne Manuscript,( Sloane 2052, BM, London),, Beiträge zur Entwickelungs- Geschichte der Maltechnik, vol. vol. 4, pp. 92-365, 1901.
J. Plesters and Roy, A., The materials and technique, National Gallery Technical Bulletin, vol. X, 1985.
T. Philipps, Mappae Clavicula; a Treatise on the Preparation of Pigments During the Middle Ages., Archaeologia, vol. 32, pp. 183-244, 1847.
M. A. Way, Mappae Clavicula : a treatise on the preparation of pigments during the Middle Ages, Archaeologia, vol. XXXII, 1847.
C. Stanley Smith and Hawthorne, J. G., Mappae Clavicula, a little Key to the World of Medieval Technique, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. N.s.64, pt.4, 1974.
R. Parker Johnson, The Manuscripts of the Schedula of Theophilus Presbyter., Speculum, vol. 13, pp. 86-103, 1938.