Source Details Language: GermanLibrary: Nürnberg, Germanisches NationalmuseumPlace of edition: Date information Starting date: XVth (1H.) content_info ART-Technology Artistic pages: Fragment of a manuscript ; only 4 sheets containing colour recipes Content Classification Artistic contents: Pigment recipesArtistic techniques: Painting Records Title Page(s) in source Czu schoner gelgrune varbe 1v Gele varbe 3v Hymmel blancke rotho varbe 1v Item aliud von swarcz 2v Item anderleie temperatura 2v Item Schone grüne 2 Item Schone schvarch vff 1rv Item von blancker lasür 3 Item von lasur zü reynigen 3 Item wy mann cinnber macht 4r 1 2 next › last » Library (geocoded): Place of edition (geocoded):